Make your own Edmonton slogan
You don't need wood screws and adhesive to share your own slogan for the City of Edmonton. After a vandal relabelled 'City of Champions' signs with satirical slogans like "Road Construction City" and "City of Speed Traps,' we're giving you the chance to send in your own ideas.
A vandal with an appreciation for satire struck city signs Tuesday, attaching alternate slogans for Edmonton: such as "Road Construction City" and "City of Speed Traps."
But, you don't need access to construction adhesive and wood screws or risk fines to add your own original slogan — just use the blank photo below and your favourite photo program. And you don't even risk fines doing it.
We've put together a few to get you started. Be sure to tweet your creation (or just send your slogan) to #yegslogan, and we'll put up some of our favourites.
Here's the blank image:

You can submit your own ideas by emailing your homemade sign to or tweeting us @CBCEdmonton.