
Lemonade stand earns thousands for fundraising Edmonton sisters

In the seven years since the Woodworth sisters started a lemonade stand in honour of a classmate who died of leukemia, their fundraising project has grown so much that donations go beyond what might be easily stashed in a wallet.

They've raised $32,000 in six years and now hope to bring much more

Lemonade for a good cause

9 years ago
Duration 0:45
Sydney and Taylor Woodworth are mid-way through their seventh annual lemonade sale to raise money for the Stollery Children's Hospital, in honour of a former classmate who died of leukemia.

It's a lemonade stand that takes online donations.

In the seven years since the Woodworth sisters started a lemonade stand in honour of a classmate who died of leukemia, their fundraising project has grown so much that donations go beyond what might be easily stashed in a wallet.

Last year, the Edmonton sisters raised $16,000. The goal this year is $18,000. With corporate and community donations, the lemonade stand had already raised $6,500 by the end of its second day this week.

It started with a couple of little glasses of lemonade to this huge thing.- Lisa Woodworth

"It's kids helping kids," said Sydney Woodworth, 11. "Because we raise this money, it helps the kids in the Stollery get the supplies they need and the treatment they need and help them get that boost to start a new life."

She was standing in front of the Sobey's at Namao Centre, where lemonade, hot dogs, and small treats will be on sale from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. until August 21.

Sydney was in kindergarten when her classmate Moses Felix died of leukemia. One night at dinner, she and her older sister, Taylor, were talking to their mom about what had happened.
The Woodwroth sisters were four and eight when they started their annual fundraiser. (Supplied)

The girls wanted to help. Their mom supported the idea to open a lemonade stand in front of their house. The girls were four and eight at the time. They raised $250.

"It started with a couple of little glasses of lemonade to this huge thing," said mom, Lisa Woodworth.

There has been media coverage and even a "satellite" lemonade stand.

"Since we're getting bigger, a lot of people know how to plan for us. They know how to plan ahead so that's why we've already raised (thousands)," said Taylor, 15, who also prepared a rap song as a nod to the project.

This lemonade stand's got a good rap

9 years ago
Duration 0:34
Taylor Woodworth and her sister Sydney set up a lemonade stand each year to raise money for the Stollery Hospital. This year, she's getting jiggy with it.

Most items sell for less than two dollars. A glass of lemonade costs a loonie.

Two years ago, Lisa Woodworth approached Moses Felix's mom. She wanted her to know how many people's lives her son had touched.

"There wasn't a lot of words, it was hugs and tears," she said, tearing up once again.