Canada's first Happy Wall comes to Edmonton
'We thought the Happy Wall would make a fantastic addition that everyone can come and play with'

City officials hope a new public art display unveiled Wednesday will help bring people downtown, despite ongoing construction work.
A Happy Wall, an interactive public art installation made of more than 1,000 panels of colourful reclaimed wood has now found a home in Sir Winston Churchill Square. The pixel art display allows people to create messages or images by flipping the wood panels on the public art piece.
City officials said there have been fewer people in Churchill Square due to construction for the Valley Line LRT and the Stanley A. Milner Library.
Organizers hope this public art piece will bring more people to the area.
"We thought that the Happy Wall would make a fantastic addition that everyone can come and play with and enjoy. It's ever–changing, dynamic and colourful for the square," said Bob Rasko, Churchill Square programmer.
When asked if he is concerned about derogatory messages, Rasko said the pixel art installation will be changed frequently.
"The Wall itself is kind of like a public speakers' corner if you will," he said.
.<a href="">@bobrasko</a> saying Hello and telling us all about <a href="">@artsedmonton</a>'s <a href="">#HappyWall</a>. I can't wait for my students to check it out! <a href=""></a>
Table tennis, chess boards and basketball hoops are all still available to the public too in the area.
The Happy Wall, an internationally-popular idea, was first designed in Copenhagen by artist Thomas Dambo in 2014 to help revitalize construction sites.
Looking for something to do during your coffee or lunch break? Check out <a href="">#HappyWall</a>, Edmonton’s new interactive pixel art installation in Sir Winston Churchill Square! <a href="">@artsedmonton</a> <a href="">#yegdt</a> <a href="">#yeg</a> <a href=""></a>
Since then, it has been used in Denmark, Chile, Brazil and throughout the U.S.
The Happy Wall will remain a fixture in Edmonton's Churchill Square until May 2019.