Edmonton police officer charged with sexual assault
Const. Samuel Sanson, 38, set to appear in court March 23

An Edmonton police officer was charged Wednesday with sexually assaulting a female acquaintance.
Const. Samuel Sanson, 38, was arrested without incident and charged with one count of sexual assault, Alberta's police watchdog said in a news release.
The charge stems from a January incident, ASIRT said, "where an off-duty police officer encountered an adult female acquaintance, and during that encounter committed a sexual assault."
The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team investigated the incident and forwarded its findings to the Alberta Crown Prosecution Service to determine whether the evidence was sufficient for prosecution.
After being advised by the Crown, ASIRT executive director Susan Hughson determined that Sanson should be charged.
Sanson was released with conditions and is scheduled for first appearance on March 23 in Edmonton Provincial Court.
ASIRT's mandate is to investigate incidents where the actions of police officers may have caused serious injury or death, as well as serious or sensitive allegations of police misconduct.