Budget input sought by Alberta NDP government

The Alberta government is looking for input into the budgets that will be tabled this fall and next spring.
People have until Sept. 14 to submit ideas (maximum 1,500 characters or about 250 words) to the Alberta budget website. They can talk to Finance Minister Joe Ceci in two telephone town halls planned in September.
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Ceci is also planning to meet with businesses and organizations over the next two months on ways to diversify the economy and keep public services in place.
"I want to hear Albertans' thoughts and ideas on how the government can improve their quality of life and build our economy," Ceci said in a news release.
"These discussions will help outline both this year's and next year's budgets to better reflect the priorities of all Albertans as we move forward."
The previous Progressive Conservative government tabled a budget in March. The NDP swept the PCs out of power on May 5 so the budget was never passed.
The government passed an interim supply bill in June to cover essential public services until the budget is passed.