Alberta climate change policy to be released Sunday

Details of Alberta's new climate change policy will be released Sunday, one day before Premier Rachel Notley meets with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Ottawa.
Notley and Environment Minister Shannon Phillips have scheduled a news conference at 1 p.m. Sunday at the Telus World of Science in Edmonton. CBC will live stream the announcement.
- Alberta, provinces, to 'do their part' on national climate change policy
- Alberta climate-change panel to consult before taking action
The prime minister has invited provincial and territorial leaders to Ottawa Monday to discuss Canada's climate change plans before an international climate conference begins in Paris.
The Alberta strategy is based on information gathered by a five-member climate change panel chaired by Andrew Leach, academic director of energy programs at the University of Alberta School of Business.
The panel held public consultation sessions in Edmonton and Calgary in September. They also gathered input from industry, municipalities, academics and First Nations and Métis communities.
The Climate Change Panel web site lists 505 submissions from individual Albertans, organizations like the Pembina Institute, the Coal Association of Alberta, and the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers; and companies like Suncor, TransCanada, Enmax and Weyerhauser.
Notley hasn`t confirmed whether the plan will include a carbon tax. She said the panel received a wide range of positions how Alberta should reduce emissions.
"As things stand now, we know our economy is fragile, families are struggling, and what we do will certainly take that into account," she said Thursday.
Notley has already said she wants to accelerate the phase-out of coal-fired electricity plans.
The premier will take the strategy to Paris for COP21, the United Nations Climate Change talks which start Nov. 30.