Trophée Eric Bompard figure skating event could be affected by Paris attacks
Event is taking place in Bordeaux, France, 5-hour drive from French capital

The status of the Trophée Eric Bompard event, figure skating's fourth stop on the Grand Prix circuit, may be affected in light of the Friday's multiple attacks that left at least 120 people dead in Paris.
The ISU, figure skating's governing body, provided an update on the status of the event Saturday morning, stating that the French authorities will have the final say in whether the competition will go on.
ISU & <a href="">@ffsportsdeglace</a> want to continue with competition <a href="">#GPBordeaux</a> <a href="">#TEB15</a> after <a href="">#ParisAttacks</a>. Final decision up to French authorities.
Several Canadians, including Patrick Chan, Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier are competing in Bordeaux, France, which is located more than five hours away from Paris.
Toronto's Chan currently sits in fifth place after the short program. Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier of Toronto are in second place after Friday's short dance.
In pairs, first-year seniors Julianne Séguin of Longueuil, Que., and Charlie Bilodeau of Trois-Pistoles, Que., produced a personal best to stand third. Gabrielle Daleman, of Newmarket, Ont., is sixth in the ladies' competition.
Skate Canada reported that all Canadian skaters are safe in Bordeaux. Gilles confirmed the team's status on Twitter, and also hopes to compete later today.
Little update: We are all safe and sounds and very sad about the attack on Paris. Skating seems so small compared to this. I think myself
And a bunch of other athletes will stand by me and say we don't just skate for our country today we skate for France and Paris <a href="">#PrayForParis</a>
The short programs for all four disciplines — men, ladies, pairs and ice dance — finished hours before the attacks began. All four of the long programs are scheduled to take place on Saturday.
Some are calling for the cancellation of the event.
I think that the second part of the <a href="">#TEB15</a> ought to be cancelled, especially given that it is being held in France <a href="">#GPBordeaux</a> <a href="">#ParisAttacks</a>
<a href="">@ISU_Figure</a> please cancel the event for <a href="">#GPBordeaux</a> don't risk the skaters lives for some ratings