Catfish star Nev Schulman explores the world of online imposters

Nev Schulman of Catfish -- the indie documentary turned hit MTV show -- joins Jian to discuss the ethical challenges of tracking down and exposing people who create false online identities.
The show is a controversial and sometimes baffling account of what it means to develop relationships in the age of the internet. Often, Schulman admits, there's no villain on the other side of the screen, but rather someone who is isolated or going through their own difficulties.
Genuine connection lost in the game
The show host, who was himself duped by a woman he met through Facebook, says the internet exacerbates a very old problem.
"I don't think the concept of pretending to be someone you're not is new," he tells Jian. "But I do think there is a danger in the hyper-connectivity we're all experiencing now, in that we're really losing genuine connection."
Schulman chronicles stories from the show, and what he's learned from them in a new book called In Real Life: Love, Lies & Identity in the Digital Age.
Watch the trailer for the Catfish movie, as well as a clip from the spin-off TV show, in the windows embedded below.