Doctor says he reported Queen's anti-vaccine teaching three years ago

Students weren't the only ones concerned about the teaching in a Queen's University health course. The region's medical officer of health, Dr. Ian Gemmill, says he found out three years ago that a professor teaching Health 102 was presenting debunked theories about vaccines.
Gemmill tells As It Happens guest host Laura Lynch, "I was informed by somebody I know in town...that some things about vaccines were being taught that didn't seem right."
Dr. Gemmill says at the time he reviewed material from Professor Melody Torcolacci's class and became even more concerned. He says some of the slides he saw were "contrary to all of the scientific information that has been reviewed by national experts on this topic."
Below you can see some of the slides from Health 102 that were leaked online this week. On Wednesday, As It Happens spoke with a former student. You can find that interview here.
Dr. Gemmill says he contacted the head of Prof. Torcolacci's department -- the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies -- with his concerns.
"If somebody was teaching that the earth was flat or that the sun goes around the earth...there would be consequences for that."
Dr. Gemmill said the head of the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies "agreed that this would be reviewed." He says, "I felt assured at that time that the material would be given, not only in a less biased way, but also a more factual way."
He says he commends the students who spoke up about the class this week, and hopes the university will take action, "to make sure that the truth is told."
Here are some of the slides, released this week on Twitter, that were presented in Melody Torcolacci's course.
.@DougSaunders We should probably all follow the #QueensU prof's advice & use fresh garlic instead. It's anti-viral. Isabelle Duchaine (@iDuchaine) February 4, 2015
There are 60 slides, but I think the last one is my fave. Remember, it's all going to be on the test!!!1!! #QueensU Isabelle Duchaine (@iDuchaine) February 4, 2015
Published 1st draft of a storify on the #AntiVaxProf. Will continue to populate to keep discussion going! Isabelle Duchaine (@iDuchaine) February 4, 2015