New Australian $5 bill compared to 'clown puke'

The聽Reserve Bank of Australia has unveiled the new design for its $5 bill, and the early reviews on social media are not good, featuring such words as "vomit," "disgusting" and "atrocity."聽
The bank proudly revealed the new note in a tweet and media release Tuesday morning.聽
The new $5 banknotes are in production and will<br>be in your wallets from 1 September 2016 - <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>
The early replies to that tweet were not encouraging
<a href="">@RBAInfo</a> What have you done馃槵 They are horrendous! Actually the most disgusting design in world mintage history. Truly appalling
<a href="">@RBAInfo</a> That new $5 note design is hideous & awful.
<a href="">@RBAInfo</a> total <a href="">#fail</a>. Please fire your terrible designers. <a href="">#fivedollarnote</a> <a href="">#Australia</a>
<a href="">@RBAInfo</a> talk about ugly, how many meetings for this atrocity to be picked?
Economics writer Jason Murphy was curt in his take on the new design
Our new fivers look like vomit. <a href=""></a>
Murphy wasn't the only one to compare the bill to a pile of sick
New Australian $5 note shows <a href="">@RBAInfo</a> designers enter their 'clown puke' period <a href="">#stopthepresses</a> <a href=""></a>
The new design retains the bright purple colour motif of the current $5 bill but also adds magenta, orange, blue and yellow.聽

The yellow oval shapes on the bill are meant to depict the聽prickly-leaved wattle, a shrub native to the continent,聽but people thought they looked more like toilet brushes or bacteria.聽
what's with the yellow dunny brushes?: Next Generation of Banknotes: $5 Banknote Design Reveal | RBA <a href=""></a>
<a href="">@joshgnosis</a> Looks like golden staph germs from a petrie dish. How bad can banknote design be?
But not all the reviews were bad聽
New $5 notes are A++++ They're like a mid-80s primary school mural. AUSTRALIANA! <a href=""></a>
Some people complained that the bill still depicted Queen Elizabeth, despite a recent surge in republican sentiment in Australia, including last year's election of Prime Minister聽Malcolm Turnbull, a former leader of the聽Australian Republican Movement.聽
Seriously, we're putting Queen Elizabeth on Australia's new five dollar not. Have we got no self-respect?
The Queen looks like she is contemplating how to get off that abomination of a bank note.
Someone helpfully offered an alternate design
<a href="">@RBAInfo</a> I fixed your note. You're welcome. <a href=""></a>