
Solar eclipse darkens skies across Southern Hemisphere

People in the Southern Hemisphere were treated to a solar eclipse on Sunday.

'Ring of fire' seen in some countries, but many more see partial eclipse

Annular solar eclipse seen in Southern Hemisphere

8 years ago
Duration 0:46
South Americans treated to view of moon crossing sun

People in the Southern Hemisphere were treated to a solar eclipse on Sunday.

The annular eclipse, sometimes referred to as a "ring of fire," was only seen in parts of Chile and Argentina as well as Angola. However, other countries in both South America and Africa — and even Antarctica — could see at least part of the eclipse.

Sunday's eclipse was annular, or when the moon is far enough away from Earth that it's unable to fully block out the sun. The result looks like a ring around the dark moon.

This is the first solar eclipse of the year. On Aug. 21, a total solar eclipse will be seen across the United States, the first in North America since 2008.

Though the total solar eclipse won't be visible in Canada, at least part of the sun will be covered at some point, varying from 20 per cent to roughly 90 per cent depending on your location.

The moon passes in front of the sun, creating a solar eclipse seen from from Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Andre Penner/Associated Press)