Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls inquiry holds final hearings in Ottawa
Watch the hearings live all week from Ottawa

The national inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls concludes its evidence gathering activities this week as final submissions from parties with standing will be heard in Ottawa.
Watch live here throughout each day.
The inquiry granted official standing to approximately 100 parties, including persons or groups who demonstrated they had a substantial and direct interest in missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, as well others with expertise and perspectives deemed essential for the inquiry to fulfil its mandate.
On Monday, the inquiry is expected to hear from representatives of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, Quebec Native Women, Native Women's Association of Canada, and Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada.
Later in the week Amnesty International Canada, the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action and Partners Canada Without Poverty, Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and other national and regional parties will address the commissioners.
The full schedule is available here.
Commissioners are expected to submit their final report to the federal government by April 30.