Jurassic Park sequel titled Jurassic World set for release
The fourth installment of Jurassic Park has a name: Jurassic World. The sequel will hatch in 3D on June 12, 2015.
Dino-franchise has grossed $1.9B since 1993
The fourth installment of Jurassic Park has a name: Jurassic World.
Universal Pictures announced the film's new title and release date Tuesday. The sequel will hatch in 3D on June 12, 2015.
The studio has already said Safety Not Guaranteed filmmaker Colin Trevorrow will direct the film and Steven Spielberg will serve as producer.
Spielberg directed the first two Jurassic Park films, while Captain America director Joe Johnston helmed the third installment.
The dinosaur franchise has grossed $1.9 billion US at the box office worldwide since the first film was released in 1993.