How to Poo on a Date wins Diagram Prize
A guide to coping with an awkward romantic moment has been awarded a prize for the year's oddest book title.
Humorous self-help book How to Poo on a Date: The Lovers' Guide to Toilet Etiquette triumphed Friday in the quirky Diagram Prize.

Organizers said the book, published by Prion Press and written by a duo known as Mats and Enzo, received 30 percent of votes in an online ballot.
“We are very happy and honoured that the public thought our book worthy of first place in this much sought-after prize; we’d have been disappointed to be number two," Roland Hall, Prion Press’ editor of How to Poo on a Date, said in a statement.
The self-help title beat other finalists including Are Trout South African and Working Class Cats: The Bodega Cats of New York City.
“The public have chosen wisely," said prize director Horace Bent.
"Not only have they picked a title that truly captures the spirit of the prize, they have selected a manual that can help one through life’s more challenging and delicate moments.”
The prize, founded in 1978, is run by the British trade magazine The Bookseller.
Previous winners include Bombproof Your Horse, Living With Crazy Buttocks and Crocheting Adventures with Hyperbolic Planes.