3rd COVID-19 testing site to open in Windsor-Essex
Windsor Regional Hospital Met Campus offering tests starting Tuesday

A third COVID-19 assessment centre is set to open in Windsor-Essex amid high demand for tests and sharply rising coronavirus cases.
Windsor Regional Hospital (WRH) said in a statement Saturday that its Met Campus would be offering testing on weekdays starting on Tuesday.
"The decision to open the Met Campus COVID-19 Assessment Centre is based on a recent rise in demand for tests by those who meet the criteria for testing plus the recent switch to requiring [long-term care] visitors to be tested weekly," the hospital said Saturday.
The hospital said that demand for testing at its Ouellette Campus has recently gone from under 250 per day to regularly exceeding 400. A peak of 540 patients were seen on Dec. 1.
The addition of the Met Campus will bring the daily capacity across both facilities to 750 tests per day.
That capacity will also allow for same-day appointments, according to the hospital. Last week, WRH said testing appointments were available within two days.
In addition to the two WRH sites, tests are available at Erie Shores Healthcare in Leamington and at several pharmacies, which offer the service only to those who are asymptomatic.
The announcement of new test capacity comes after a dire warning from area hospitals Friday over the current surge in COVID-19 cases — and what could happen if the trend continues.
In a joint statement, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, Windsor Regional Hospital and Erie Shores Healthcare pleaded with the public to continue to do their part to prevent the spread of the virus.
"The scenario that our Windsor-Essex region residents have seen on TV taking place in other jurisdictions around the world, where hospital resources are stretched beyond capacity, is showing signs of occurring in our area of the province," hospital executives and top medical staff said in a statement.
Over the weekend, the number of new COVID-19 cases in Windsor-Essex rose by 127 and one additional death was reported.
The Windsor Regional Hospital Met Campus, located at 1995 Lens Ave., is open for testing from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays starting Tuesday.