Paczki day preparation underway at Blak's Bakery
Blak’s Bakery on Langlois Avenue is making 35,000 paczki for Fat Tuesday.
The bakery is making 35,000 paczki
Tomorrow is Fat Tuesday and local bakeries are gearing up for a very busy day.
Blak's Bakery, which has been located on Langlois Avenue for a century is making 35,000 paczki. The bakery has doubled their staff to more than 40 workers in order to keep up with demand for the Polish pastry.
The bakery will use 4,000 pounds of flour and even more pounds of lemon curd, raspberry preserves, even Nutella to make the heavily filled deep-fried doughnut.
For the owner Valarie Blak-Gill, whose family comes to Windsor to help bake, it's a nice family day.
"It's like once a year that you get to see your relatives and it's not a bad occasion," she said
The bakery will open at 6 a.m. Tuesday. Like years past, they're expecting a lineup out the door.