Chimczuk Museum officially one year old
The Chimczuk Museum has turned one year old. Coordinator Craig Capacchione said almost 21,000 people have toured the displays since last February.
Nearly 21,000 visitors have toured the museum since it opened
The Chimczuk Museum has officially turned one year old.
The site, which chronicles the city's history, opened in the Art Gallery of Windsor on Riverside Drive last February.
Nearly 21,000 visitors have toured its displays since then, said museum coordinator Craig Capacchione.
"At the Francois Baby House — Windsor's Community Museum — on average, we were looking for maybe 2,000 to 5,000 [visitors] a year ... so this is a much larger number," he explained. "We had over 3,000 students this year from a few hundred at the Baby House, so a very large increase."