
Mississauga woman claims footage shows moving company damaged her belongings

A woman who paid $1,800 for a company to move her belongings to Mississauga from Kingston says the company damaged her furniture.

Security footage shows mover stepping repeatedly on the back wheel of woman’s bike

Mississauga woman says movers damaged her belongings

10 years ago
Duration 1:26
Security footage shows a mover repeatedly pressing his foot down on the already bent back wheel of Mitra Monir’s bike

A woman who paid $1,800 for a company to move her belongings to Mississauga from Kingston says the company damaged her furniture.

A security guard showed Mitra Monir footage of the movers. In the video, the back wheel of Monir's bicycle appears already bent. A mover can be seen repeatedly pressing his foot down on the back wheel of the bicycle.

The derailleur and the back wheel of her bike is now bent so badly it no longer moves freely. Monir said none of the items were damaged before she left Kingston.

"I was upset. I made three phone calls to the company while they were bringing stuff up and at the end when the security came in for me to sign off on the elevator he said he actually saw them wrecking the bike," she said.

Also damaged in the move, Monir said: an ottoman, a coffee maker and her mattress.

Monir says she has been sleeping on the floor because she can't bear to sleep on her damaged mattress.

"It looks like it's been pulled over a very sharp edge here, and there are tears and the yellow stain here," she said.

CBCNews sent the security video to the moving company, Canadian Moving Systems. Alisa Brooke, the company's Toronto general operations manager, said in the video the mover is trying to fix the bike. In an emailed statement, Brooke said the movers did not damage Monir's belongings:

"Please confirm where there is evidence of the our [sic] crew damaging items in this footage … Again allegations are completely false and I have no further comments about this," Brooke wrote.

Monir said she has filed a claim with the company.

"What they are going to reimburse me with is basically nothing. I'm not going to get any apology. It's basically 60 cents per pound [of furniture], so it's basically nothing for all the damaged furniture," Monir said.

Monir said she is trying to move forward – she bought new furniture to replace what was damaged. The cost of the new furniture – about $2,000 – is more than the cost of the move.