Thunder Bay

Bill Mauro holds lead in municipal election in Thunder Bay, Ont.

Mayoral candidate Bill Mauro is holding the lead in this year's municipal election in Thunder Bay, Ont.

Mayoral candidate Bill Mauro holds lead in 2018 municipal election

Voters in northwestern Ontario will elect their new mayor and city councillors on Monday, October 22. (Kris Ketonen / CBC)

Voters in Thunder Bay, Ont., have filled out their ballots as polls closed at 8 p.m. in the northwestern Ontario city on Monday.

As of just after 10 p.m. on October 22, mayoral candidate Bill Mauro is holding the lead with a total of just over 10,000 votes, with candidate Frank Pullia coming in at a close second with over 9000 votes.

According to Thunder Bay city clerk, John Hannam, over 50 per cent of voters came out to the polling stations to mark their ballots, which is an increase from the 46 per cent in 2014.

Paper ballot results are being counted for the five at-large seats as well with candidates Peng You, Aldo Ruberto, Trevor Giertuga, Rebecca Johnson and Mark Bentz holding the most votes.