Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area to be created
The Green Party MP for Thunder Bay-Superior North says a government bill to create a marine conservation area in our area of Lake Superior is now law.
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The Green Party MP for Thunder Bay-Superior North says a government bill to create a marine conservation area in Lake Superior near Thunder Bay is now law.
Thunder Bay-Superior North Green MP Bruce Hyer. (Supplied)
Bruce Hyer has been pushing for the passage of Bill C-61 over the past week, after it was introduced late in Parliament's sitting.
The bill was approved by the Senate on Tuesday and will make the Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area the largest freshwater conservation area in the world, Hyer said.
"It may mean some regulations on fisheries to establish fish reserves to help to repopulate those populations," Hyer said. "There will probably [be] some land-use planning exercises as well."
In the past, there have been infrastructure funding promises to go hand-in-hand with establishing a conservation area, Hyer said, but it's still to be determined whether that happens.