Case of bear carcass with missing parts still unsolved
Ministry of Naural Resources is appealing to public for information

The Ministry of Natural Resources says it has run out of leads in its effort to find who killed a bear out of season and removed its paws and head.
The ministry is now appealing for help from anyone who has any information about the incident.
The bear's carcass was found last week near Highway 71, just south of Nestor Falls.
"The paws had been removed by somebody who knew what they were doing. They were cut off with a knife, and there was no indication that any of that work was done at the site. So it's our belief it was done somewhere else and just dumped at that location," said Kevin Elliott, an enforcement supervisor with the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Elliott said there is evidence the bear was shot. He said bear parts are often taken for Chinese medicine, and that a bear skull is considered a trophy.
If the person who killed the bear is found, they could face charges for killing a bear out of season. Elliott said it is also unlawful to kill a bear for its parts, and, "They were likely not taken for personal use, so there could be implications for sale here as well."
Elliott said anyone with any information about the incident can call the MNR tip line, at 1-877-847-7677, or CrimeStoppers.