King Tutankhamun's tomb treasures on display in Sudbury

A reveal nearly 3,000 years in the making took place at Sudbury's Dynamic Earth on Wednesday.
Officials with the Royal Ontario Museum unveiled an authentic Egyptian mummy, as part of the lead up to the exhibit, King Tutankhamun: Treasures from the Pharaoh’s Tomb.
Myles Zarowny with the Royal Ontario Museum said researchers once believed the mummy was a man.
However, testing done in 2007 and 2008 revealed the mummy is actually a woman.
“[The mummy] is quite small in stature,” Myles Zarowny with the Royal Ontario Museum said. “Clearly, [it's] very well wrapped. Part of the skull and hair is exposed.”
He said the mummy has a particular scent.
“I don’t want to say unpleasant but definitely distinctive,” he explained.
The exhibit opens at Dynamic Earth in Sudbury on March 7.