Committee on sexual violence, harassment wants your input

The MPP for Nickel Belt is encouraging her constituents and Sudbury residents who have experienced sexual violence or harassment to speak up to a special committee on the issue.
France Gélinas said anyone with advice on how to prevent those problems should present it to the Select Committee on Sexual Violence when it visits Sudbury on April 6.

"There are lessons to be learned from the north, and there are also hardship and places where it doesn't work as well and we could use a little bit of help."
Those who wish to present should register with the Clerk of the Committee by the end of the day on March 30.
Gélinas said input from residents will help these groups to develop policies and programs to reduce the problems of violence and harassment.
"I know enough about my constituency, and about Sudbury, to know where there are pockets of violence and harassment that need to be looked at," Gélinas said.
Read the mandate for the Select Committee on Sexual Violence and Harassment here