Blue-green algae cases in Sudbury down so far this year
Health unit says weather is playing a role

Confirmed cases of blue-green algae in the Sudbury area are down so far this year, compared to previous years.
The Sudbury and District Health Unit said last year, there were six cases reported for the entire year. In 2011, there were 12 confirmed cases.
However, the environmental support officer with the health unit said it’s hard to tell how many cases the Sudbury area will see in 2013.
"I think every year is a wait and see report and you’re always pleasantly pleased when you do see it go down to six cases and so far this year, only one," Allan McDougall said.
"This year, the water levels seem to be a lot higher than years past, so that would imply that there’s going to be some good movement and current in the water which should be flushing this stuff out."
The weather in the summer could affect the number of cases, McDougall explained, saying if this area has a hot, dry summer, the number of cases could go up.
"It creates an ideal condition of growth for the blue-green algae bacteria," he said.
The health unit said contact with blue-green algae can cause health problems, including skin irritation and if ingested, can make people sick.
It adds that large amounts of the toxin can lead to liver and nervous system damage.
The only confirmed case in the Sudbury area so far this year is on Ella Lake, west of the city.
That lake is connected to the Vermillion River water system. The chair of that stewardship committee, Linda Heron, says it’s a concern for people who draw their water from a lake that is affected.
"It’s not safe to have a bath in water that has blue-green algae toxins in it," she said. "And it lasted for several months."
The blue-green algae toxin was reported to the health unit in February of this year.