Backpack Basics program aims to ease burden of those needing essentials
People can make a $25 donation to purchase a backpack, which will be filled and handed out

Work is underway to fill 200 backpacks in Sudbury to help those who need it.
The Rotary Club of Sudbury Sunrisers is working with Inner City Home on the project, called Backpack Basics.
The bags will be filled with basic hygiene products and given to vulnerable citizens in the community.
Rotary Club member Shannon Kenrick Rocon says it made sense to work with Inner City Home on the project.
"The idea is to be able to supply them and help them with this so that some of our other colleagues, like Inner City Home, can continue to work on some of the great counselling projects they have with the same population," she said.
The backpacks will contain dental supplies, toiletries and COVID-19 safety supplies.
"When we think of our homeless population, unfortunately, their whole life is in a backpack, which is really where the idea comes from," she added.
"There is some great difficultly in getting basics and necessities of day-to-day life that many of us take for granted."
Kenrick Rocon says the club received funding and sponsorship to start the program.
People can make a $25 donation to purchase a backpack, which will be filled and handed out. The backpacks can be returned to the Inner City Home to be replenished throughout the year.