
Replay live chat: Black Friday sales: yay or nay?

Replay the live chat about Black Friday.


Tomorrow is Black Friday. A day of deep discounts and super sales. It's become an annual event in the U.S. and it's spread north across the border. More and more Canadian stores are offering Black Friday sales. Lots of Canadians head south to shop and many stay home and shop online. 

What about you? Do you think this is a good trend for Canadian consumers? Is it good for retailers? Are you planning on shopping tomorrow in person or online? 

Replay the live chat below, or if you'd like to weigh in, leave your thoughts in the comment section.

Join online host Matt Kruchak from Monday to Friday between 6-8:45 a.m. on for a lively and engaging live chat. While chatting, tune into Saskatoon Morning on 94.1 FM with host Leisha Grebinski.