
Beach report: Sask. begins offering water quality information for swimmers

The Ministry of Health has started a new website that tests the quality of water at public beaches across Saskatchewan.

Lakes rated for E. coli, blue-green algae levels

Youngsters play on the beach at Little Manitou Lake. (David Shield/CBC)

The Ministry of Health has started a new website that tests the quality of water at public beaches across Saskatchewan.

The Healthy Beach Monitoring Program tracks levels of potentially dangerous toxins like E. coli and blue-green algae at 67 swimming areas across the province.

"By having this information easily accessible, public beach goers can make themselves aware of potential water quality issues and stay safe this summer," said consultant Nicole White in a press release.

"This will help people make informed decisions about their in-water activities when visiting our lakes."

The report warns swimmers when water quality issues are discovered and will also post notices when swimmers are warned to stay away from the area.

As of Thursday, the report had only released results from 16 public beaches in the province.

All of those lakes, which include Last Mountain Lake, Moosomin Lake and Katepwa Lake had all been deemed safe to swim in.

The report said officials will monitor specific areas more closely if they believe water quality levels are deteriorating.

The reports will be posted every Monday until September. You can find a link to the report here.