Wallin may be forced to repay thousands in travel expenses
Amid expense controversy, Pamela Wallin encounters photographer

Pamela Wallin, a senator from Saskatchewan, was back in the news this week, refusing to tell CBC News if she had repaid any expense money.
Wallin, whose expenses are being scrutinized by an accounting firm, said she couldn't talk until the audit was complete.
Not only was she not talking, she didn't appear eager to be photographed either, as Ottawa photographer Dave Chan discovered.
Wallin has claimed about $321,000 in travel expenses since September 2010 that is being looked at by an outside firm.
Auditors reviewing Wallin's case have offered a preliminary report to a senate committee, but have asked for more time to go back and look at even more of the Wallin's expenses.
Sources have told CBC News Wallin could be forced to repay travel claims worth thousands of dollars. CBC News, has also learned she has made payments worth thousands of dollars already.
The report into Wallin's expenses is expected before the Senate rises in June.