Mother of man who allegedly wielded knife on bus hopes he will now get help
Victor Goldstein has wrestled with effects of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder his whole life, mother says

Leslie Goldstein hopes that her son terrifying a busload of passengers with a knife will lead to him finally getting the help he needs.
Goldstein identified her 29-year-old son, Victor, as the man RCMP arrested Tuesday after he pulled a large knife on a Greyhound bus outside Regina and was behaving erratically.
He eventually left the bus and was arrested peacefully in a field. No one was injured.
Goldstein said none of this surprises her and that Victor has been in trouble before.
"He's finally done something serious enough that perhaps he will get the help he needs."
We've pursued every avenue that we could to get him help.- Leslie Goldstein
She said her son has wrestled with the effects of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder his entire life. She described him as "14 going on 30."
He is a bright man capable of great kindness and compassion, she said, but he also self-medicates, which can lead to trouble.
Goldstein said what her son needs is a group home that provides structure and dignity. He's capable of working and interacting with people but he needs help, she said.
But nothing like that exists, she added.
"We've pursued every avenue that we could to get him help, right from the time he was probably eight years old," she said.
Victor's father, Herb Goldstein, said the couple are still processing what happened this week.
"We're relieved because no one was hurt," he said.
"And he is safe now."