
Most Saskatchewan clocks stay the same this weekend

While many places are observing the "fall back" to standard time, changing their clocks overnight, most of Saskatchewan remains as it has been — still on Central Standard Time.

While many places are observing the "fall back" to standard time, changing their clocks overnight, most of Saskatchewan remains as it has been — still on Central Standard Time.

The Saskatchewan experience stems from a time when local governments could choose to observe the daylight saving time procedure and adjust clocks. Because the province straddles the Mountain Time and Central Time zones, time in Saskatchewan was, at one time, quite a patchwork as communities near Alberta liked to match the change of clocks with their neighbours to the west and communities near Manitoba often chose to line up with their eastern neighbours.

It became such a hodge-podge that, at one point, it was possible to travel north along a rural highway in Saskatchewan and encounter three time changes along the way.

Finally, when finding some sort of overall consensus proved elusive, it was decided Saskatchewan would observe Central Standard time — all the time.

Despite the simplified observation there are places, such as Lloydminster, Sask., where folks follow the Alberta time and its changes.