Man sentenced after threatening attack on Craven's country music festival
The man who threatened a Vegas-style attack on Saskatchewan’s biggest country music festival has been sentenced.
Tyrell McKay won't spend time in jail, but could be re-arrested if he breaches probation

The man who threatened a Vegas-style attack on Saskatchewan's biggest country music festival has been sentenced.
Tyrell Eric McKay, 30, appeared in Fort Qu'Appelle provincial court earlier this month.
He pleaded guilty to uttering threats, resulting in a suspended sentence with an 18-month period of probation.
McKay's threat — posted on Facebook — echoed that of the Oct. 1 mass shooting that left 58 dead and hundreds injured in Las Vegas.
He turned himself in to police on Nov. 1 after an anonymous tip came in to authorities.
McKay won't spend any time in jail, but he could be re-arrested if he breaches probation.