Mothers say their sons never abused kitten, got caught in web of misinformation
Kitten at Craven Country Jamboree in July

The mothers of two teens who had charges of animal cruelty against them stayed this week say their sons got caught in a web of misinformation and false accusations.
During the Craven Country Jamboree in July, Mounties issued a media release saying they were investigating a report of an animal being abused at a campsite at the festival.
The veterinary clinic that treated the kitten put up a post on Facebook saying the cat had burns on its body after being drenched in alcohol and lit on fire, and the two teens aged 18 and 17 were charged shortly after.
This week, Crown prosecutor Drew Gillespie said there wasn't enough evidence to prove who or what injured the cat or that the feline's condition was bad enough to put those who possessed it under a legal duty to obtain help for the animal.
The moms say the kitten showed up on a farm a day prior to the festival with injuries that were consistent with it possibly being caught in a motor engine.
A friend was planning to take the kitten in, so the youths were going to drop it off on their way to Craven, but nobody was home when they got there so they took the animal to the festival with them.
"They thought it would be irresponsible just to drop a kitten off when no one is home," says Lynn Berthelot, mother of the
18-year-old. "People take their dogs to Craven, other people have their cats there."
Berthelot says the veterinary clinic should have let the police do their work rather than sharing what the moms say was incorrect information.
Neither woman believes they can truly set the record straight online, and are shocked by the abuse their sons have received.
"I was simply flabbergasted when I got a look at Facebook at how many people said they witnessed it, how many people wanted to set the boys on fire, how many people wanted to curb-stomp them," said the mother of the younger boy.
Both want those making the threats to be held accountable for their words.
"It makes me sick as a mother to read this stuff of what people are going to do to my son," says Berthelot. "It makes me very, very worried for their safety."
The kitten is said to be recovering well from its injuries.