Bull disrupts rush hour traffic in Regina
Police involved as animal wanders around Dewdney Avenue

Regina had its own running of the bull on Tuesday morning — right on a busy street during rush hour.
Pat McGillicky shot video of the wandering bull at the corner of Dewdney Avenue and Lewvan Drive.
That's close to Evraz Place where the Agribition agricultural trade show is currently underway. The bull had apparently escaped from the show grounds.
Just after 8 a.m., before the sun came up, the bull was seen trotting in front of cars at the corner.
Police were on the scene controlling traffic while officials tried to catch the animal.
Eventually, there was a successful roundup.
Agribition officials confirmed later the bull was back in his pen, safe and sound
Agribition must be in town <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/yqr?src=hash">#yqr</a> <a href="https://t.co/wraE3qkN5r">pic.twitter.com/wraE3qkN5r</a>