
RCMP use of stun weapons

Percentages are based on a comparison of incidents of use of more than one stun/cartridge/cycle vs. total use equal to or more than once, from 2002 to 2007. Records do not count in the total if a weapon is drawn but not used.

Multiple use of Tasers and similar devices as a percentage of total incidents

Percentages are based on a comparison of incidents in which more than one stun/cartridge/cycle is employed vs. total incidents in which a weapon is used on an individual, from 2002 to 2007. Records do not count in the total if a weapon is drawn but not used.

 Province/territory 2002 2003 2004  2005 2006  2007  Total multiples  Total events


17.65% 42.22% 48.48%  46.43% 40.21%  45.58%  320  741
 B.C. 27.27% 40.23% 20.45%  41.95% 44.86%  40.66%  434  1,059
 Manitoba 0.00% 34.29% 50.00%  41.38% 43.10%  49.11%  143  327
 New Brunswick 100.00% 37.50% 66.67%  22.22% 49.21%  50.98%  68  143
 Nfld./Labrador - 50.00% 41.67%  33.33% 72.22%  33.33%  28  58
 NWT 33.33% 29.27% 75.00%  23.81% 40.00%  36.36%  43  128
 Nova Scotia - 33.33% 60.00%  40.0% 33.33%  37.14%  33  89
 Nunavut 50.00% 33.33% 71.43%  44.44% 50.00%  43.59%  48  105
 Ontario - - -  - 66.67%  100.00%  4  5
 PEI - 50.00% 75.00%  66.67% 66.67%  37.50%  17  31
 Saskatchewan - 23.08% 38.71% 42.45% 37.38%  54.64%  180  429
 Yukon 43.75% 54.55% 55.56%  87.50% 55.56%  40.74%  58  111
 Overall multiuse 31.03% 39.35% 40.83%  42.38% 43.61%  44.50%  1,376  3,226

* Note that Quebec is not included because the RCMP does not operate in that province; policing is handled by the Sûreté du Québec. Numbers in Ontario are low because most incidents are handled by either town or city forces or the Ontario Provincial Police.