Teen creates buzz by taking mom to prom
Brad Halman's mom Paula missed prom 29 years ago after her then-boyfriend died in a car crash

One couple created quite a buzz at Charlottetown Rural High School's prom last week — a mother and son.
When Brad Halman's prom date cancelled last minute, he had to think fast.
After searching the crowd during the Grand March at Confederation Centre of the Arts where prom goers make their entrance before friends and family, Halman realized his mom was the only girl he wanted to take.
"I knew she never had that experience and I only had that one opportunity to give it to her, so I didn't want to miss out on it," said Halman.
His mom, Paula Halman couldn't go to her own prom 29 years ago. She and her boyfriend at the time were involved in a serious car crash just a few weeks before graduation.
She survived but her boyfriend didn't.
"He had just been killed and, I mean, at that point, I probably didn't look at it and go, 'Oh my God I'm going to miss prom,' because there were more powerful things going on for sure."
Nearly 30 years later Paula Halman finally did make it to prom.
She was sitting by her best friend at the Grand March when she got the call from her son.
"Whenever I told her, of course, I did a bit of the ugly cry then. She said, 'Go.' So, I just dropped everything, gave her the camera and up I went."
Since then, a photo on Facebook has generated more than 1,400 likes and been shared more than 800 times.
Paula says that the most emotional part is that her 17-year-old would do something like this for her.
"People are making comments to that, 'Oh you must feel so good that at this age, to see how he's turned out,' is pretty special."
Paula says, while she did get her prom night, what matters much more is who she went with.