P.E.I. woman named to Green Party of Canada's shadow cabinet
'I'm excited to be stepping into this role as critic for democratic reform'

A P.E.I. woman has been named to the Green Party of Canada's shadow cabinet.
Anna Keenan of Malpeque has been named critic for democratic reform. The shadow cabinet develops party positions based on policies adopted by Green Party membership.
"I'm excited to be stepping into this role as critic for democratic reform because I want to address, head-on, the declining faith in our democratic institutions," said Keenan in a news release.
"Canadians realize that the old political system has failed them. The Greens are the only party with a comprehensive plan to reform our electoral system."
Keenan was campaign director in P.E.I.'s 2016 plebiscite on electoral reform. She is also a community manager with international climate change advocacy organization 350.org.
"I'm thrilled that Anna has agreed to serve as the Green Party's critic on democratic reform," Green Party of Canada Leader Elizabeth May said in the release.
"She has first-hand experience with a variety of electoral systems, having lived and worked in Australia, Asia, Europe and North America."