What math do you use in daily life? This P.E.I. advocacy group wants to know
'I'm interested in education ... and math seems to be a point of concern'

A P.E.I. education advocacy group has plans to ask Islanders what types of math they're using in their practical day-to-day lives.
Education 20/20 Inc. is a non-profit organization with chapters across Canada and aims to strengthen learning culture.
We're adding to the store of knowledge about the math people use.— Don Glendenning
"It seems to me that we think math is important. Maybe it would be interesting to get a handle on what math islanders really use," said Don Glendenning, with the group.
The organization plans to bring about a dozen Islanders together, from varying backgrounds and education levels, and ask them their perspective through a facilitated information gathering session, Glendenning said.
"This is not to ask what math should be taught but simply to document what math Islanders use," he said.
"I'm interested in education ... and math seems to be a point of concern," Glendenning said.
May or may not affect curriculum
While a number of provinces are conducting reviews of their math curriculums, Glendenning said they don't seem to be gathering information from citizens on how and why math is used.
Glendenning said the organization will do its best to represent a diverse number of people for the facilitated session.
"We're adding to the store of knowledge about the math people use. It may impact schools, it may not," he said.