Elsa a breeze for most of P.E.I.
Storm caused more issues in neighbouring provinces

Post-tropical storm Elsa went easier on P.E.I. than it did the other Maritime provinces.
Only 150 Maritime Electric customers lost their power at the height of the storm.
More than 36,000 customers in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were without power. Almost 18,000 Nova Scotia Power customers were still without power as of 8 a.m, many in the Halifax Regional Municipality.
There was some thunder and lightning, but no rainfall totals higher than 66 millimetres reported on P.E.I. The highest wind gusts were at North Cape at 75 km/h.
Parks Canada is advising swimmers to stay out of the water in P.E.I. National Park on Saturday as surf conditions are considered dangerous.

Parts of northern New Brunswick received more than 90 millimetres of rain. The highest wind gusts in the region were in Cape Breton where they reached 100 km/h.