Province taking Island-wide view of economic development
'We can't put boundaries on economic development,' minister says in response to CADC question

The province says it will soon begin consultations with communities and groups across the Island to put together an economic development plan.
Economic Development Minister Heath MacDonald was responding to questions in the legislature this week about the fate of the Charlottetown and Summerside development corporations.
The province recently announced it is taking steps to assume total control of the Charlottetown Area Development Corporation and the Summerside Regional Development Corporation.
MacDonald said it's time to take an Island-wide view.
"The small businesses that we're seeing popping up in P.E.I., we can't put boundaries on economic development anymore and I think it's very important to recognize the fact that technology and innovation is spreading across the Island and by limiting ourselves to the two main centres — whether it be Charlottetown, Summerside, Stratford — I think is a detriment," he said.
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