P.E.I. wages rising, but not as fast as others
Wages up in 2018 and so far in 2019

The average wage on P.E.I. has been on an upward trend for more than a year and a half, but is not keeping pace with the Canadian average.
Statistics Canada recorded the average wage on P.E.I. including overtime in November 2017 as $815.65.
The most recent report, released Thursday, shows the average wage in May as $861.28, a 5.6 per cent increase.
But the Canadian average wage has been growing more quickly.
In November 2017 the P.E.I. wage was 84.4 per cent of the Canadian average. By May of this year it had slipped slightly, to 83.5 per cent.
Weekly wages on P.E.I. are more than keeping pace with inflation.
According to Statistics Canada the consumer price index rose 2.6 per cent from November 2017 to May of this year, less than half the increase in weekly earnings over that period of time.
P.E.I. wages remain the lowest in the country.