P.E.I. group helps with hens for Haiti

A group of Prince Edward Islanders is planning to return to Haiti this fall for the next phase of a project that aims to provide a sustainable livelihood for six families there.
The International Sustainable Community Assistance Program, with the help of Charlottetown's Atlantic Veterinary College, has built chicken coops stocked with two dozen chicks for the families.

"We're excited about this one because this is the first one that we really think has an opportunity to succeed," said veterinarian Maureen Wichtel.
Wichtel's part in the project is educate the families on the care and feeding of the chickens, and how to raise and breed them successfully. The goal is to have the families create a sustainable poultry business.
David MacKay of the International Sustainable Community Assistance Program said projects such as this are an important next step for Haiti.
"So much of the work that's been done in Haiti has been catastrophe relief. The earthquake in Haiti in 2010 changed everything," said MacKay.
"A lot of aid organizations came down to take care of immediate needs."
The upcoming trip will look at the production of chicken feed in those same communities, which will lower costs for the families raising the birds.
"If we can provide the mechanisms, maybe the machinery, small machinery to grind corn and grind other local feed stock, that that would lessen the cost for the local farmers," said MacKay.
The group is holding a fundraiser this Saturday, Ceildh on Campus, to help pay for the next phase of the project. The fiddling event will is held at UPEI's Macmillan Hall.