McCain workers hear about future job prospects
Skills PEI says 72 of 121 affected McCain Foods workers attended meeting in Kinkora

A meeting was held Monday for McCain Foods workers who will lose their jobs when the plant in Borden-Carleton shuts down at the end of October, P.E.I. government officials say.
About 72 of the 121 workers affected along with some spouses attended the meeting, said Skills PEI, organizer of the event that was held at the Kinkora and Kanata Club.
Business, industry and government representatives were on hand to talk about training, services and job opportunities.
Skills PEI. officials asked each worker for information about their skills and whether that information could be shared with potential employers.
Some businesses also attended, including representatives from the trucking and aerospace sectors as well as MacDougall Steel and BioVectra.
Government officials say feedback was positive and the next step will be for Skills PEI to reach out to local employers to try to link the workers with any job openings.