Lucy Maud Montgomery photos on permanent exhibit

A collection of photographs taken by Lucy Maud Montgomery has found a permanent home where the public can see them at one of her homes in Ontario.
Montgomery is best known as the author of Anne of Green Gables.
The Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario operates Montgomery's former home in Leaskdale where Montgomery lived with her husband, Presbyterian minister Ewan MacDonald.
Earlier this year the Spark Photo Festival in Peterborough featured 80 framed copies of photographs by Montgomery selected from more than 1,000 housed at the University of Guelph.
Prompted by the popularity of the exhibit, the society purchased 29 of the framed photos for the house.
"[It will] make people aware of what a great photographer she was," said society spokeswoman Melanie Whitfield.
"We, of course, have the historic site with tours where you can find out about her life. But now we will have the framed photos as a pictorial way to find out more about the life of Lucy Maud Montgomery."
Montgomery wrote 11 of her 22 novels while living in Leaskdale.