CBC P.E.I. First Person FAQ
Want to share your story or experience with CBC P.E.I.? Here's how

What are First Person stories?
First Person pieces feature the personal stories and experiences of Islanders or those with a strong connection to P.E.I. — in their own words. It's a more personal way of sharing a story and gives readers a little peek into your life experience. It could be a slice of life or a transformative moment that changed your life.
A really good First Person piece can start a conversation, change the way someone sees the world, or make someone feel less alone if they see themselves in your story.
It's a way to share what you've lived through, and a platform for voices we might not hear every day.
What can I write about?
We publish all kinds of pieces, as long as the story has a strong and compelling personal narrative. Pitches tied closely to the news or current events — like the cost of living or climate change — are helpful, but it's not a requirement.
You just need to have a story you can tell in around 500 to 600 words, and it has to be an original piece that hasn't been published anywhere else.
The more specific the better. Focus on one slice of your life experience rather than trying to cover everything.
We are looking particularly for personal stories that reflect contemporary P.E.I. and encompass experiences from outside Charlottetown. We want to hear from people with disabilities; from Black, Indigenous and other people of colour; from the LGBTQ+ community; and from diverse socio-economic perspectives.
Do I have to be a professional writer?
No! First-time contributors are always welcome and often bring new insight on a topic.
If your pitch is accepted, you'll work alongside an editor until the piece is ready to be published. The editing process typically includes guidance on improving the flow, structure or clarity of the column, as well as revisions to fix typos, grammar, or other language and style rules.
The time commitment can vary, but a column will usually require at least two drafts, and discussions between the writer and editor may span several weeks.
The requirements
- You have to be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who can legally work in Canada, because the writers we choose will be paid for their work.
- You have to be available to work with your editor throughout the editing process.
- You have to consent to having your name and photos published on our website.
How can I send in a submission?
If you're interested in writing a First Person story for CBC P.E.I., please send a pitch summarizing your submission to PitchPEI@cbc.ca for our editors to review.
Start by introducing yourself in a few lines and where you live. Then, explain your idea for a First Person column in approximately 150 words and why you think it would resonate with CBC P.E.I.'s audience. In your pitch, reflect on what you learned from the experience or how it changed your perspective. It's helpful if you can include a suggested headline to help focus your submission.
An editor will contact you if CBC P.E.I. wants to pursue commissioning your story.