Crane calls for P.E.I. poverty reduction plan
P.E.I. Opposition Leader Olive Crane is calling on the Ghiz government to immediately bring in a poverty reduction plan.
Crane said though the government commissioned a report on how to reduce poverty, very little has actually been done.
She said too many Islanders are falling below the poverty line and her office gets numerous calls from people struggling with the rising cost of home heating and groceries.
"When you think and you look outside, there is snow on the ground, there is a number of people that you know even this week have struggled to get heating oil in their tanks," Crane said.
She said many are relying on food banks to get by and that the government has to take action.
The July 2011 report said the number of Islanders using food banks between March 2009 and March 2010 rose 13 per cent.
"So it's really time for government to do something that helps a number of Islanders that cannot meet their basic needs anymore."
Crane said during the election campaign her party proposed a heating oil subsidy for low-income Islanders.
She said that plan has been given to the Community Services minister for consideration.