
Disciplining kids: Do parents ever get it right?

A recent story about an Ontario mother who disciplined her kids by making them walk to school wearing a sign has sparked a debate about the best way to dole out punishment.

Dr. Maggie Mamen took questions in a web chat following Ontario Today

A Harrow, Ont. mother made her two sons walk seven kilometres to school as a punishment for being rude to their bus driver. (Facebook)

A recent story about an Ontario mother who disciplined her kids by making them walk seven kilometres to school wearing a sign has sparked a debate about the best way to dole out punishment.

Dr. Maggie Mamen, a family psychologist based in Ottawa, took calls on this topic on CBC Radio's Ontario Today from 12 p.m. to 1 pm. ET.

After the program, she joined us here for a live web chat from 1 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. ET to answer more of your questions.

Here's a recap: