Ottawa hires tech expert to scare away geese at park
Watch Wambolt's self-built $6,000 small helicopter scare away geese in the video below
An out-of-work Ottawa tech expert hopes his new invention can solve the problem of geese droppings in city parks and beaches.
Steve Wambolt was hired by the city as part of a pilot project to scare away Canada geese from Petrie Island, a beach that has been closed in the past because of poor water quality.
Watch Wambolt's self-built $6,000 small helicopter scare away geese in the above video.

City officials said the daily sweeps are having a substantial impact on goose behaviour at Petrie Island.
On Tuesday, Wambolt demonstrated the machine for CBC cameras at Mooney's Bay because few geese are left at Petrie Island.
Wambolt required two federal permits, a $2-million dollar liability certificate and city permits to operate the helicopter.
The city said if the program continues to be successful then it will likely expand to other beaches next summer.