City fights developer over 'sneaky' tactics
The City of Ottawa is fighting against a developer they are accusing of using "sneaky" tactics to try and double the units the city has agreed upon.
Builder GREATWISE Developments already had the go-ahead for a 334-unit "Redwood" complex at Baseline Road and Draper Avenue in the city's west end.
However, the company came forward recently with a plan nearly doubling that number of units to approximately 600.
Coun. Rich Chiarelli, representing College Ward, said the city's planning department now wants to rezone the property to prevent that from happening.
"This appeared to be a sneaky, sort of backdoor way of trying to get double the units that were intended by both council and the community," Chiarelli said. "So I think we have the right to use every tool available in the legal toolbox to bring something more sane to the area than what they are trying to do."
No one from GREATWISE Developments was available for comment. The builder has 10 days to prepare a defence before the city's planning committee meets to discuss scaling the project back.