N.S. schools, provincial government offices to be closed Sept. 19 to mark Queen's funeral
Retail stores and other businesses will have the choice to remain open

Nova Scotia will mark Queen Elizabeth's funeral on Monday Sept. 19 with a provincial holiday.
Public schools, regulated childcare and provincial government offices will be closed.
Healthcare services, appointments and procedures will remain operational, the province said in a news release.
As a non-statutory holiday, retail stores and other businesses will have the choice to remain open. The day is not considered a paid general holiday under the Nova Scotia Labour Standards Code.
Earlier Tuesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Sept. 19 will be a holiday for federal government employees and several provinces have followed suit.
Nova Scotia joins New Brunswick and P.E.I. in marking the holiday provincially.
A multifaith memorial service for the Queen will also be held in Halifax on Monday at the Cathedral Church of All Saints. It will be open to the public and guests are asked to be in their seats by 1:30 p.m. The service will begin at 2 p.m. and will also be livestreamed.
During the service, Lt.-Gov. Arthur J. LeBlanc will deliver a eulogy and Premier Tim Houston will give a tribute to the late Queen.