Pictou County woman faces charges after children left in hot car
4 children under 10 were left in a parked car during heat wave

New Glasgow Regional Police have laid charges related to a case last month of four children being left unattended in a parked car during a heat wave.
In a news release Friday, police said they'd charged a 60-year-old woman with four counts of child abandonment. Police did not release the woman's identity. They said she was released after being charged and is due to appear in provincial court in Pictou at a later date.
Const. Ken Macdonald said he did not know the relationship between the woman and the four children.
The incident happened on July 29 in the New Glasgow Walmart parking lot. Police responded to a distress call of four children left unattended in a vehicle. The children, ranging from one to nine years of age, were in a blue Volkswagen with some of its windows down.
The three girls and a boy were taken to Aberdeen Hospital as a precaution and later released.